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What Inspired me by making this sculptural piece?

Well… it all basically started… and I won’t go on talking for too long. It basically started when I was in the super market and again this is another of my memory traces. Me and my girlfriend were in a Chinese supermarket buying groceries along with other things we needed and on our high list were potatoes.

Bringing back a memory trace

Now we british people know so much about growing and eating potato products right? but seems to me that the Chinese know a little more than I bargained for. My girlfriend said that there was a root or flower growing from these potatoes saying they were poisonous when actually I thought you could just peel off the flower head and still cook and eat it. We had a little argument in the supermarket and surprised me so much that I could be wrong with Potatoes in a Chinese persons mind. I thought I knew enough about cultural ways and understanding but seems I didn’t see that one coming lol.

Why use these types of Materials?

So seeing the fruits and vegetable around me at the time had given me deep inspiration into creating a sculpture from a fruit that was big enough to act as a porcelain Chinese bowl. The noodles I decided to make out of wood which replaces the wooden chopsticks and the Porcelain chopsticks that I had given to me, replaces the porcelain Bowl. Its this type of cultural confusion that I wanted to interpret into my art work because not everything seems the way we expect things. China is not just a bowl of noodles but is also a deeper understanding to the cultural habits and ways that the people live and some things are hard to understand for me but getting there.