Why I Drew these sketches?
Ok, so here are some sketches of my ideas on a possible degree show and what materials I may use to try and construct such a monster piece. Now after viewing, studying and making my previous pieces of work, they have given me a lot of valuable ideas and careful thoughts into how I should construct a final degree show.
I decided that I should try do some more accurate sketches in my sketchbook on trying to puzzle together a possible degree show and I think by doing this, I can visualise my thoughts and ideas better this way that will help me a lot more to making my final degree show.
The Purpose? Memory trace Behind This Final Degree Project?
Ok so as I have explained some of my ideas in the last English Roof post already, I will explain in greater depth to why I want to do this final degree project. Ok, the reason why I want to create such a monster looking installation is because I want to express the lost connection between me and my girlfriend. My girlfriend – Wei Cheng is Chinese ‘if you do not know that already’ and myself is in no doubt an English citizen.
Double Objects/Double Cultures?
I want to basically bring China and England together in my final degree show to express that long distance relationship with each other that we both must face most of the time. I want to re-live the liveliness of my memories that I have stored in my mind and the nicest moments that I see, i want to recreate them as a moment in time where scenes get frozen in time.
This is exactly how I want to show this final degree project because it will express my inner emotions and thoughtful episodes that I face when I feel that I am alone without her and that Wei Cheng is my everything to me that I wish to be with forever. The Meal For Two, The Mahjong House and various other art works have indeed inspired me to create the Time Mahjong which will be my degree show name.
The Time Mahjong is a bit similar to The Mahjong House, only this time it will consist of a dark room with an English and Chinese style roof either side from each other. There will be four projected players playing Mahjong on this virtual reality type scene and this will act as part of my brain – seeing a scene frozen in time. I want to take this final degree show to a level that not many people think of doing. More updates of my degree show at a later date!