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Carsten Holler – Double objects relating to my Chinese/English

So as part of my further research towards my development, I decided to look closely into Carsten Holler‘s Double objects in his art works. His use of objects in his art works play a similar role to each other, both very similar and almost very identical like twin objects. I looked into his Double Club art work which consisted of two different clubs in mirrored image form but art in fact different and very much related to each other. Another famously known work he created was the Double Carousel where he stuck two Carousel rides next to each other in another mirror image form.

Why does he inspire me towards my latest artwork?

Researching into his double object art works seems really interesting for me because his use of double objects act like a close relationship like a pair that are different but very similar. These works strongly relate to my Chinese/English art ideas because I try to influence the English and Chinese culture together into my artwork.

I am English and my girlfriend Wei Cheng is Chinese and we are very similar in our own minds and personalities but our cultures are very different. As I have mentioned in my previous post, I hope to build a darkroom as part of my degree show and build a Chinese and English side by creating a Chinese roof and a English roof. Here you have the two different cultural influences which act similar to each other but are indeed different.

Just like Carsten Holler‘s Double Club, I plan on creating my own double culture called The Time Mahjong by building the two different roofs but out of the same wood and having myself and three other Chinese people playing mahjong inside the dark room. Two different cultures meet with each other and having a game of Mahjong, it is like bringing back a memory trace and having two different cultures bound together at the same time in the same time zone.