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Why did I look into Marcel Duchamp’s Readymades?

I looked into artist Marcel Duchamp for my readymade vases because he is widely known for his use of readymade sculptures like the bicycle wheels and the wine rack. Some of these objects that he had acquired were bought from shops or found as spare parts and used them into his readymade sculpture works. I thought that seeing the way he finds objects and using them into his art has made me compare his work with my own.

How does Marcel Duchamp relate to my Readymade vase work?

Duchamp’s work relates very much to my readymade work of vases because they are objects that have not been distorted in any kind of fashion and just stand in as an Readymade object. Marcel Duchamp carries the very same concept within my work where his work are Readymades and may also carry the signs of memory traces from the surfaces of the objects that he uses.