Why look into Gonzalez-Torres?
He primarily uses everyday objects to present his artworks in a way to show his personal memories of his relationships with his gay lover. This idea of presenting lovers within objects to make a narrative of loss or absence relates back to my degree show of the two clocks with the eight hours difference and my Chinese and English food and drink objects.
One of his best known works is called Perfect Lovers (1991) which are two very identical clocks that appear to look the same but are in fact representing two different male lovers. The two clocks were created into an art form representing the traumatic state with the death of Gonzalez-Torres’s partner and these two clocks act as the transfiguration version to both lovers.
Although my clocks in my last degree show and my latest work with the Chinese food and drinks do not entirely relate to the whole trauma theme, there is still this loss of my girlfriend in which does become traumatic for me in a way that you feel you have lost something and when you want it you cannot grasp it.