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In brief: I moved to London, took an advanced painting course at Morley College (learnt lots, met good people), found a studio to paint in, then another one, did group and solo shows, sold work, applied to MA courses (have a place for 2015). Left London, travelled, moved back to Bucks.

Today the last cardboard boxes left the house.

Now I am a Bucks artist again, but so much has changed. The master bedroom is now my studio (very useful en-suite).  I have left my job as professor of applied linguistics to work as a full-time artist. My painting has shifted as I have developed my style and my themes. I now paint ‘abstract expressionist landscapes of memory and forgetting’


I have been blogging over on my website ( – there are so many social media opportunities, it’s hard to know where to place one’s energies. I’m back here because connections with other artists matter, and, living in the country, online becomes more important.