By Pamela de Brí, Irish co-coordinator

This project is a cross-cultural project involving two Celtic countries with the same roots and similar traditions and using verbal three languages: Irish, Welsh and English.

"Le Chéile" project recognises the importance of sharing and accepting cultural diversity between the two countries while dealing with the limitations of verbal communication. The spoken word can often lead to misinterpretations, whereas visual language crosses these boundaries.

What makes this collaboration especially different is the fact that the artists are not working in the same physical space and therefore the work is produced sequentially. There is no face-to-face communication, no interruptions of dialogue, no discussion, and no immediate response. The collaborating artist responds to the work in front of him/her. The work develops at a distance, slowly. Therefore, because of this delayed response, the project is a long term one which is now entering its next phase.

New participants have come on board in Ireland, in Wales and now in Australia. This next phase, while encouraging continued collaborations between established partners, consists of opening up the project to elicit response to any image by any of the artists, thus encouraging visual dialogue between any two, three or group of participants.

(précis by AC, with permission)

Le Chéile – comh-thionscadal Breathnach-Éireannach – cumarsáid trí dhéanamh priontaí.

D'eascair an tionscadal seo ó chuntas a thug John Berger ar a chumarsáid le Marisa Camino trí mheán na líníochta. Ba chabhair dóibh nach raibh teanga chomónta ar bith acu.

Tar éis nasc a dhéanamh le páirtí Breathnach, thosaigh gach duine againn ar agallamh den chineál céanna, cuid againn, Éireannaigh nó Breathnaigh, ag iarraidh cumarsáid a dhéanamh trí mheán na híomhá amháin, ach bhraitheamar deacrachtaí anseo toisc go bhfuil an Béarla mar theanga chomónta againn go léir.

Tháinig téamaí ar nós talamh, teanga agus áit chun cinn mar thús-phointí don amharc-chumarsáid. As sin, agus muid ag obair le priontaí agus líníochtaí, thosaigh colláisí agus ríomh-phostanna ag