I had this dream: I was the proud owner of a really big foot. People would come from all over to see this really big foot. My life was okay.
None Dream.
Bee was a German Sheppard. She was my Dad’s; he kept bees. Do you see the name connection? Good. I used to pretend she was a pony. She was really strong. I had a real pony but Bee was better. The dog called Bee that was a pony. We had fun. I do miss that fun. I miss something so wonderfully kind and that sense of safety she brought me. I do not think I have ever felt that feeling since she left me alone. She had puppies but most of them came out dead. That day I was told animals do not have souls. So I went to bury them down the garden and I wondered how I could help them, as they did not even see the world they died within. Why did they not have souls? That day I lost my soul. As I shared mine out and gave each lifeless body a fragment to help them on their way.
Soon to be dream.
I hope tonight I dream about my big foot, I have some questions to ask it.