I compeleted my final draft of my Dissertation, yesterday Roger reading though it then I will hand it in to my Tutor on Thursday Fingers-Cross I hope don’t have do much to it after.
I can now start on my studio prastice, I have enjoyed doing my research which will inform my work I know. Just cannot wait to get down to it, Working until wednesday then 5 days off. Art here I come…..
My head full of ideas just hopev they work out like they are in my head…. Got two group Exhibitions coming up in June.. Had a some invition for pospals but will not be able to do them still need to get MA finished…..
Been Writing about Olafur Elliasson for my Dissertation He his so inspiring His Conversation with Robert Irwin ‘Take Your Time’ is worth a read..
This are been the best bit of my research so far….
It’s awhile since I wrote anything, Dissertation work and family life took over my art, but I am not working next week. So art art here I come….
Art what art, dissertation and work taking over my life. Booked studio space in Uni next thinking a month ago, I would have time to think and decide want I would like to do in the space… Now I am panicking as I not sure. Not had time to get all my materials together…
Also struggling with my Dissertation, will feel better when I got over half my words written. I know it’s just a moment panic . Will be better tomorrow.