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Alongside my Improbable Experiments With Growing Stones, my curatorial project for Phoenix Brighton continues to slowly take shape. Based around the question, “What difference would it make if we never died?”, the project will explore this question, looking at the historic quest for the elixir of life alongside the contemporary reality of scientific & medical “miracles”.

For a long time I’ve had it on my notional list of things to do, to apply for a retreat or residency at Wysing, but in the past the time has never been right – or I have never felt brave enough. Now though, I’ve decided, it is the time to do it, especially as the Retreat theme “How might we live together?” can be linked to issues raised by the notion of greatly extended or indefinite human life. As part of the application process I need to propose an hour long session which I would run as part of the retreat should I be selected.

This seems like a great opportunity to broaden out my thinking for this project and there is a lot to think about – greater minds than mine are needed! There are just 2 weeks left until the submission deadline so I’ve gone with an impulse and decided to dive in at the deep end to tap into the great Blue Monkey Network mind-bank. I’m going to host a “Saturday Salon” next weekend in order to work through some of my ideas for the research project and the Wysing proposal with some of the willing Blue Monkey membership (in return for a plentiful supply of coffee and biscuits at the very least of course – and maybe a little video treat ).