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I encountered rejection yesterday.

I find rejection hard to take, but find it even harder convincing myself why I find it hard!

Some artists (on rejection) bemoan the lack of support for their vision. The problem must be with the gallery or exhibition, ‘the panel just don’t understand’. Some, more pragmatically, mention how tough it is to get your work noticed and there is so much good work rejected by accident. ‘Its all about getting your work out there’ they say. Others, more cinically, (and I like this theory) mention that rejection rates go up the nearer the pannel get to lunch or dinner, their empty tummies and bored eyes making hasty judgements.

Apon entering, and being rejected at, the Chelsea Art Society Annual painting and sculpture exhibition, I believe that none of the above apply to me. My theory is that I have been rejected for a reason. The work was not good enough I tell myself. My lack of confidence in my own work is justified. I have been vindicated by my piers, judged and tossed aside as I should be.

Yes, this is a self indulgent reply and is simply not the way to think about rejection, but it is the way I deal with it. I will sulk for a few days but will soon get out of it and will pick myself up and take my poor excuse for art to the Mall galleries and go through the whole prosess again.

By the way, there is a happy ending to this tale of woe and self pity. My wife has been acepted! That is great news for such a hard working person and well deserved…..BITCH!

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