I started hanging the beachballs today, it looks pretty good, like a big beachball cloud. I think it definately needs something else though. The packaging from the beachballs has pictures of these lovely ladies holding the balls, I decided to cut them out and make a collage. It's kind of strange working like this, I usually make work really quickly and spontaneously, so it's nice that I seem to have chilled out a bit, I'm in less of a hurry to make stuff and am taking longer to really think about things, although saying that, I'm already thinking about what element I could add to the beachball cloud.
Day two and today (weather-wise) was nothing like yesterday, the skies were grey and the sea was really choppy and aggressive. It's funny how when your at the seaside and the weather's rubbish it can really dampen your mood. I decided to take another trip to Primark (I'm really fitting in with the Margate life-style) and brought some more plastic beads. Adding the beads to the swing, I noticed how this piece is really starting to look kind of tribal, which led to me think of ideas to do with adornment and personal decoration; why do ladies in Margate buy these things? To look good? As a status symbol? I also brought some beachballs which I blew up and played with in the space. Apart from cheering me up, I do think I will use them.
First day of the residency started with tidying the space and moving stuff in. The sun's shining and Margate beach looks beautiful. I set up a couple of things but obviously nothing's concrete as I'd like to allow for a bit of creative space. Took a break and walked along Margate high street, decided to pop into the mayhem that is Primark. It was packed with ladies buying fancy cheap clothes and I felt compelled to join them, so I brought some plastic beads, I think these will form a really interesting aspect to the swing I have in the space.