Viewing single post of blog Limbo Arts/Substation Residency 2007

So this is the last week (aaarrrgghhh!) and it's friday the 13th! No seriously everything's fine, still no bloody mirrors though! Yesterday I managed to finish the beach ball piece so I'm pretty happy and it was lucky too because the Thanet Times came to take some pictures (my mum will be so proud) they will probably make me look like an idiot but I suppose as they say any publicity is good publicity. The photographer asked me the titles of the works and I realised that I hadn't named anything, (I wasn't sure that I should) so I suppose that's something else to consider.

Today I had some serious hoovering to do after making A LOT of mess. Everything was covered in dust after I decided to give the white walls a tidy-up. In-between the manic cleaning I did get to finish my other collage so at least I'll have a diptych. Everything's looking pretty sparkling so as long as I can do something to rollercoaster corner I'm happy.