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An important day has arrived and I catch the train at East Midlands Parkway to go to Lincoln. I have to show my finished film to Maggie Warren and Dawn Heywood at The Collection. I do hope they like it. What will I do if they don’t?

The train stops at Beeston and a funny moment occurs. I’m in one of those seats with a half window and I lean forward to have a look out. Directly in my line of vision sitting on the platform is my friend Jane Pepper! I gesticulate wildly to her and she sees me and is surprised. Neither of us are regular train catching folk so this is a rare coincidence. I hand signal to her that I’m going to Lincoln and she signals back that she is going to Leicester to do her residency at Embrace Arts and the train pulls away.

I’m well equipped for the meeting with a suitcase full of files and folders and tourist information that I have to drag up the hill to the museum. At least I will have the answer to anything and everything!

Happily the film is approved. They both have their favourite moments in it as do I. Maggie likes a view through a dirty mill window in Wirkworth and Dawn likes the window in the caves in Foremark. The stone carvings in Wirksworth church has us all nodding in agreement. I think they will be getting some visitors in the future.

We then discuss the Gallery Guide and I come away with 14 more things to do before the film is installed in time for the Frequency Festival on the 18th October.

The film is 7.34 minutes long. I couldn’t get all the images that I liked in it because some were wrong for colour or the shapes were difficult to blend in. Some of my best ones were in portrait, which is not much use for widescreen TV. Some others were just of the wrong locations when I went off track on a wild goose chase!