The school Trip.
My big school project, finds me on a school trip to visit one of my previous school garden projects, and then onto another location to see how public space is layed out, how the landscape designers have incorperated planting, paving and other features like sculpture or street furniture into a public setting. Seating and provision for eating may be particularly relevent to us on our school project.
This is the ‘transition group’ which have particular educational needs. I dont know how much free reign they will take, or how much they are allowed?
Aspbergers, ADHD, other behaviour and language issues abound, a little short of mayhem in parts, but actually a great day out. When a pupil comes up and says ‘I want to ask my mum to bring me here at the weekend’, and another says ‘I would like to come on holiday here’. You feel like you made a good choice of venue for a school trip. Our long term task, to design and build a garden for a brand new school building not yet constructed. In fact our garden will be built and finished on the site before anything else. This is part of the building schools for the future programe. Our next school trip Kew Gardens. Our next task; Site survey.