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I had my half way thingy today. It went really well- i managed to explain exactly what i was doing- which i don't always manage without getting all twisty faced and flustered =o

I had been getting quite nervous about the degree show and having the pieces that i want to represent my work ready and produced to the best possible standards i can achieve. But my tutor said not to worry about it too much- to keep it in the back of my mind and remember that pieces have to be installed- but not think of it first. It is important to carry on creating without presentation in mind up to a certain point- i suppose it just makes things less rigid.

so, i feel a bit a more relaxed about things now. I am enjoying the 3rd year so much- and i am really enjoying developing my understanding of the art world. I'm glad i havent discovered that i am going to hate it, because a passion to paint does not neccessarily translate in being able to work within the art industry.

But thankfully i think i am going to like it.

I am starting on some new groups of photographs and diagrams. I am aiming to present the idea of process. This is shown by documenting changes a particular place from one photograph to the next, using diagrams and using photos from film and digital. the piece says more than my garbled words.

Presentation on wednesday and i have just realised i have no images from 1st or 2nd year- ah well i'm not a fan of spending too much time talking about the past anyway