In truth I am overwhelmed, yet the approaching wave has not broken across the bow.

My work explores layering through the medium of history. This revelation coming to me as a fever grew to lay me low, brought on by relief and overwork. And in small part by the exclusion of certain work to tip the balance to one side (the unexpected outcome being a deeper interest in the means toward food and shelter). The balance has yet to return though its messenger, the desire to tip the balance quite far the other way, is most certainly here. Up shoot ideas (even in approaching Autumn), the desire to drink deep of the well, the desire to turn, they are all rising at once threatening inundation and release into the madness of glorious freedom. No. Task incomplete. But it’s only a little bit longer. Strong, must be strong.

And therein lies the tension: feeling overwhelmed and with the wave still approaching.

But what will happen when the wave breaks?

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