Within the frame of the work the question ‘why are you dressed like that?’ is grossly impertinent. However it is an inevitable part of the work. When taken out of the safety of the gallery it is open to comment, though the most satisfying are those who merely regard the picture they see favourably. Of course without knowing their minds one has to assume a favourable response. And of those who do speak most do give a kind word. Some are unpleasant, they perhaps think they know, their minds are made up or are merely closed. They are a minority though perhaps consider themselves otherwise. With those who ask a question there is the difficulty of knowing what answer they want, and I have few clues in that short sentence to inform my answer. And I do so very much want to give an answer that satisfies. The work has so many facets that can engage an audience that nearly everyone that inquires can take away an enriching experience. I always have the highest aspirations.
Me Then Now Process