Well, visas are done. It took about an hour and 160 rmb in Shanghai. In Beijing we were asked to transfer $3000 USD per passport into two chinese bank accounts. 9000 USD total. Well, wasnt possible – and then we were negotiating with visa agencies to do it for us – would have cost about $400 – they wanted marriage certificates and birth certificates, etc. Instead, we came to Shanghai. Well, I recomend to anyone – do not extend a visa in Beijing. We will pick up our passports on Monday – I hope it all goes smoothly.
Shanghai is an incredible metropolis – very different to Beijing. Sky Scrapers sit next to art deco buildings, and behind them are lots of alley ways selling street food and everything else. You get lost in Shanghai with all the winding streets. It has hints of its colonial past. Many people speak english – this is shocking after Beijing. This city is very different to the wide streets of Beijing, surrounded by ring roads. Both cities are monsters, however shanghai feels a lot more cosmopolitan. It looks like there is more money in Shanghai.
Today I have spent about six hours emailing anyone I know who knows more about Shanghai than I do. I think we will get a translator for a few days to make things happen. Nick, a friend from Australia has suggested a great Barber shop under a highway for the barber shoot. Jason, a friend of Matt’s from Australia is suggesting a good interpreter and more people to get in touch with – he suggests a production company. Brendan from Beijing suggested another woman who seems eager to help. The Australian Embassy suggests I should get in contact with the Australian Consulate in Shanghai. I wrote to a few galleries as well.
We move into an apartment tomorrow. After a supermarket shop and settling in, I will attempt to begin the next project.
1. prettiest, happiest and most harmonious face.
In Shanghai I am hoping to research the idea of performed emotion -I have been thinking a lot about service industry in China, and how the chinese are trying to bring a smile to it.
Looking at Chinese business ettiquette school course – http://www.aifa.org.cn/en/Training.html
Would like to find the course – apparantly Their senior teacher, Lu Yanzhi, is credited with inventing the ettiquette ‘book’, paper and chopstick regime that will help China show the world its prettiest, happiest and most harmonious face.
2. Women Venting anger
there is store is in shenyang that allows women to smash appliances to vent anger. The women pay 30 RMB and get five minutes, a helmet and baseball bat to smash apart appliances. This will become a video work, shot over two days most likely. The store in Shenyang has closed down – and I thought there may be something like this in Shanghai?
3. Barbers
1 x shoot in barber shop in Shanghai. We have been shooting them over the world. Last one in Turkey, then Beijing. We just put camera infront of person getting haircut and let the camera run. Know any really strange barbers in Shanghai?