Looking back over the three months in china and how it has fed into my work – it provided time to move away from a technology based practice and focus again on video, as well as move into new areas such a subtle public performance. It allowed insight into how the art scene works in another country as well as a great opportunity to meet artists, curators, and other arts workers. Personally, it provided an incredible cultural experience, not only myself, but also my husband and child who traveled with me. To be immersed into new ways of living, eating and drinking gives a profound experience and insight, one that will be reflected on for a long time. It was both challenging and brilliant, and probably won’t be fully understood for a few years.

The Asialink residency is a very valuable residency program, highly regarded both in Asia and Australia. Coming to China, under the umbrella of Asialink, I felt really embraced by other artists, curators and arts organisations. The residency allows enough of an organizational umbrella, with a self directed ethic which is important, as it responds to the artists needs.

I can’t believe China is now past, and I can’t wait to go back