Featured painting: Mermaid Wake (see blog post below for details)


Surrounding crowds part as the bright petalled tongue unfurls, her presence at once the centre yet also appearing to affect areas unable to touch. Never failing to make an entrance, she sweeps and swishes as if a mermaid tail casting a wake in the waves.

Mermaid Wake

(collage and acrylic paint on canvas, 16x12cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Mermaid Wake is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


Dance cards are filling and frills are being flounced. No batting of eyelids or fluttering of fans amongst these brazen beauties. The night is young and they want to make the most of every minute.

Brazen Beauties

(collage and acrylic paint on canvas, 16x12cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Brazen Beauties is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


All lined up in flowery teams, waiting for the whistle to blow and the games can begin. The lines are a bit waffly, their edges are frothily petalled after all, but the intent is there. Do those gazes just contain simple competition or is that a tinge of the green-eyed monster flickering away behind the scenes?

Waffly Lines

(collage and acrylic paint on canvas, 16x12cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Waffly Lines is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


Snuggled up cosily with their hot chocolates, marshmallow toppings abound, these sleepy heads are already snoozing. Dusk is creeping up and their vibrance is bright despite the fading light. Eyelids drooping, beauty sleep is approaching, ready for another grand entrance tomorrow.

Beauty Sleep

(collage and acrylic paint on canvas, 16x12cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Beauty Sleep is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


Reaching across pale ribbons in recognition of seeing one so familiar. Love at first sight? Romance was harbouring in their souls before that glimpse. They say that half the proof is in the set-up. Dare they wonder enough to wander over?

Love At First Sight

(collage and acrylic paint on canvas, 16x12cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Love At First Sight is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition