Dancing the dance of their whole existence on the stage of all lives, these blooms embrace only wild abandon as their mantra.

Wild Abandon

(collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)


This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Wild Abandon is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


Blithely bouncing along to their own rhythm. At first glance, it’s a nature-instigated one of breeze and sunshine, but these blooms have an unique cadence as they hum and bop to melodies only clear to them. Stop. Listen. Close your eyes. You’ll soon know that they’re singing the blues in the spring sunshine, you just have to be in the flowery frequency to tune in.

Singing The Blues

(collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Singing The Blues is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


Seemingly packed in to the border but actually having oodles of room. These lovelies like having the comfort of neighbours just there, having them to help read their minds. Takes the pressure off having to intricately know oneself all the time. And more often than not, they’re correct in their reading!

Neighbourly Knowing

(collage and acrylic on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Neighbourly Knowing is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


Dutifully bobbing heads to passers by, some sprinkling the odd petals underfoot in a spot of bashful hope. These beauties believe themselves to be classically refined, but they secretly know they’re not really beyond the frivolous should the mood take them.

 Secretly Frivolous

(collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress. Secretly Frivolous is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition


Mischievous gusts sweep in ever-strengthening tides, making their way towards their favourite place of ruffling. Swathes of petals flitter and flutter as the games commence. Some are anchored securely, some not-so much, instigating fans of flaming colour as far as the eye can see as everything intermingles to create their own racing rainbow.

Racing Rainbows

(collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm)


click for purchase info


(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)

This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress.  Racing Rainbows is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:

click for the 30/30 exhibition