Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement whilst I’ve been endeavouring to paint thirty paintings in the last thirty days, I truly appreciate it. It’s been a delight and a privilege – and also a juggle to fit all of the life things in at the same time! Totally worth it though, and I’ve loved how my paintings have developed.
So, here they are, all thirty paintings, just click on the image or button below to see them all in more detail:
click to see the 30/30 collection
All of these paintings can currently be found in the 30/30 Paintings collection
and you can also see them in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now too:
click for the 30/30 exhibition
The 30/30 Virtual Exhibition will be showing until mid-March 2025
Merrily mingling, all happily swanning round the flower bed, petals and leaves gently fluffed up in the breeze. It’s a time for celebration, their buds have all opened in synchronicity and they’re simply delighted to be together, discovering the beauty that each other have bloomed into being.
(collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm)
click for purchase info
(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)
Celebration is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:
click for the 30/30 exhibition
Blushing in a variety depths of pinkish hues, these blooms feel like they’ve opened quite by accident today. No-one told them that the sun would be shining quite so merrily, and these lovelies have found themselves literally ‘in the pink’ in all senses of the phrase.
In The Pink
(collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm)
click for purchase info
(Artquest 30/30 is an initiative where hundreds of artists from around the world create a creation every day for 30 days)
This month’s virtual exhibition will be showing my paintings from these thirty days and will be added to as the days (and paintings) progress. In The Pink is available to view in my 30/30 virtual exhibition now:
click for the 30/30 exhibition