Festooned in chilli garlands, she’s resplendent in her colourful corridor. She doesn’t need to be seen by millions, just joining her cheery decorative companions in their merriment (and she might mischievously drop a surprise present on the heads of people opening her).
Chilli Door (mixed media painting on canvas board, 20x20cm/8″x8″)
Shop: https://www.lynneforrester.com/store/p544/Chilli_Door.html
She may appear still but she has all the moves. Her fizzling vibrations expand out into the air, scintillating and giving colour at every turn. She takes a deep breath and her voice soars – what song do you hear when she catches your eye?
Soaring Door (mixed media painting on canvas board, 20x20cm/8″x8″)
Shop: https://www.lynneforrester.com/store/p543/Soaring_Door.html
She feels like the queen bee of doors, she even has her own permanent red carpet!
Queen Bee Door (mixed media painting on canvas board, 20x20cm/8″x8″)
Shop: https://www.lynneforrester.com/store/p542/Queen_Bee_Door.html
This lady is a wise one. She possesses the kind of wisdom that ripens with age and integrity – and it’s catching to those discerning folk around her. Her colours seep into her surroundings., marking out her territory and creating a division of strong reactions. You’ll either be attracted or repelled, wisdom isn’t for everyone.
Wise Door (mixed media painting on canvas board, 20x20cm/8″x8″)
Shop: https://www.lynneforrester.com/store/p541/Wise_Door.html
She’s sitting proudly in her subtle shades, in amongst her less than subtle neighbours. Exuding a much envied quiet confidence, she knows who she is and is comfy in her own skin.
Quiet Door (mixed media painting on canvas board, 20x20cm/8″x8″)
Shop: https://www.lynneforrester.com/store/p540/Quiet_Door.html