Over the last few days I have been imagining how my pigeons will look in the small shopfront, how they are going to appear to onlookers, how, in fact, can they convey the journey they have been on and what it represents? Added to the fact that I imagine the shop front to hold a rather 'bagpuss', come and claim me now I am fixed air with the inhabitants coming alive when no-one is looking and doing good, creates a rather interesting concept.

I have decided to use some images alongside the pigeons that can hopefully convey their antics and of course the artifacts that the original journeys turned up.

The whole revisiting of the work is proving to be rather interesting and is providing a catalyst for ideas and the need and desire for me to work. Just what I needed! I am also beginning (about time) to realise that a day not spent in my studio is not a waste. In essence the good things happen when I have popped into the studio for even the shortest amount of time. Look after the pennies……..


To set the scene, things have been a bit slow since graduating in July. Three months on, a one week residency, a studio opening, an open studio event (h-Art), a holiday and a hectic trip to France with a group of young people I have made next to no work. When I see it in black and white I now get why!

But now the summer is drawing to a close, the evenings darker and my time freer……….

Anyway I happened to have a very interesting conversation with Anna about her work on pigeons and she told me about 'Pigeon Hole' a small shop front she has developed in order to show work. I told her of the work I had been doing regarding carrier pigeons and she kindly suggested I may want to show them there. How exciting!

So my task is thus, to help the pigeons tell their story. I have approximately a month in which do so, the window becomes available from the end of October…………

Today I took my first flight in a small aircraft. Souring above the land like a great white bird, maybe even a pigeon! How appropriate…