To set the scene, things have been a bit slow since graduating in July. Three months on, a one week residency, a studio opening, an open studio event (h-Art), a holiday and a hectic trip to France with a group of young people I have made next to no work. When I see it in black and white I now get why!

But now the summer is drawing to a close, the evenings darker and my time freer……….

Anyway I happened to have a very interesting conversation with Anna about her work on pigeons and she told me about 'Pigeon Hole' a small shop front she has developed in order to show work. I told her of the work I had been doing regarding carrier pigeons and she kindly suggested I may want to show them there. How exciting!

So my task is thus, to help the pigeons tell their story. I have approximately a month in which do so, the window becomes available from the end of October…………

Today I took my first flight in a small aircraft. Souring above the land like a great white bird, maybe even a pigeon! How appropriate…