Its Monday, it’s 4 O’Clock, its about the closest I think I’m going to get to a regular blog spot!

Its quite fun seeing the lengths change, and additions to length of individual socks rather than switching between. All of this is pretty difficult to model from a starting point but I can pull together changes of length and other measurements towards the end of the project. I doubt they will conform to a model, I’m sure they don’t need to.

The initial model of length changing, which I’m trying to attach a graph of, suggested that everyone did the same thing. That hasn’t happened, and it shouldn’t, this doesn’t render the maths irrelevant but shows it as only illustrative in this way.

The real interest for me comes the modelling of the whole process as opposed to steps. I think this allows the questions to be more about the interaction between the art and the maths and raise more questions about both. I’ve got something to add on that as well, but that will have to wait until I have time to think about it properly.

Until then, hopefully the graphs are pretty and go work.
