forgot to add another little gem from yesterday’s reading, I find Hofmann very inspiring for my practice and for my dissertation.

“Colour has in itself a sovereign function on the basis of its light no sub-intrinsic qualities. Colour itself is light. In nature, light creates the colour, in the picture, colour creates light. Every colour shade emanates a very characteristic light.
The luminous quality of a work depends not only upon the light-emanating quality of every colour but upon the relation of these qualities. Relation is the product of a hypersensitive creative mind.”


I thought i would add the most interesting find on my dissertation research of the day. The topic of my dissertation is based on the history of colour and how it effects modern art. i have been researching the study of naturalism, colour and form.

Hans Hofmann is the artist of the day and what particularly hit home for me was a quote from his essay titled “painting and culture”. He wrote:

“Three absolutely different factors are involved, first, nature which works upon us by its laws; second, the artist who creates a spiritual contact with nature and his materials; third, the medium of expression through which the artist translates his inner world”.

I can defiantly see how Hofmann’s laws transmit to my own practice. I especially have an allegiance with the third factor, Through which i use abstract expression to translate my experiences onto the canvas.