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These photographs are some edits that I did over the weekend; they are of a fly over in London. I have played around with the colour and the sharpness of the photos as well as darkening the corners of the image. The reason I did this was because I wanted to draw the viewer’s eye down the path and focus the attention on the graffiti on the wall. I felt that the wall with the rubbish, that had been dumped there held a statement about the way the city is treated, as well as the way the city can treat you. London can be a place that dreams are made. It can also be a place that engulfs you and twists your perception of what is right and what is wrong. If you spend enough time in the city like in most places you begin to go through the motions not really looking or paying attention to what is happening to you. As I was editing this image I found myself thinking  more about the city and what it was that draws me in like a moth to a flame.



These edits are of a market in London. There is something about this photo that I love, it felt like the image could have been taken anywhere in the world. I love moments like this, it makes me feel like I have been lost in a completely different place and time with no real sense of a local environment that I can become accustomed to. It leaves the imagination to run free.