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The countdown to hand in the website has begun. for the last few days I have been trying to make last minute changes to the site and feel that I have got it to a nearly finished site. But as I am making this I am starting to realise that the more I work, the more I reflect, the more it becomes apparent to me that I am ever changing. my state of consciousness is forever taking things in. I have re written my statement more times then I care to count over the last few weeks and my website lay out has stayed very much the same.(This is because i’m to scared to open that can of worms, but that’s a post for another day) I feel that I have come to the realisation that whatever I hand it will be changed in the next few weeks as I have thought about a painting in a different way or I have seen a different person’s site that has influenced me and the cycle will continue.

I have tried to listen to the tutor’s advice I have tried to take on board what it is that they say. I have tried to make my studio space look less lived in and display my work and findings in a more clinical fashion. I have tried to make my website feel less corporate and more welcoming. I have tried to make my website show my work and what my practice is about.

I have also added a page called projects that show other styles of work that I do to show i’m not a “one trick pony”,that doesn’t have any other styles to him. The reason I have done this is because when i was calling around other universities they said they would like to see other projects that I had done so they could touch upon them in potential interviews. so this page seem to make logical sense.

I also thought back to when I was a student at college and I use to go through website after website of artists, endlessly scrolling through the pages till i was able to find someone who I could quote something about there work. I remember wishing more people had a Q&A page. Thinking how much more interesting I found the site. I felt I knew more about there work from that 1/2 a dozen comments then I ever would going from gallery site to blog site. picking up the breadcrumbs of information about artist work. that may or may not be true as it almost always contradicted the information from the last site.

So I started to think, what is it I want out of this website, what is it I want to gain from it. I want this site to work for me, I don’t want to make something that is going to course me more problems than solutions.I want a site that clearly explains what my practice is about and I want it to Explain who I am. I wanted it to showcase my work in a portfolio, but I also wanted it to show other work that I had done. I want this site to be what I show to Masters courses for my online portfolio. so I like to think that is what I have made.

I haven’t put images of every piece of work I have ever made up there. like we discussed in class it’s meant to showcase a selection of your work. I wonder if I have been overly critical of my selection and not put enough up there. I would like to think that I have added a flavor of the different work that I make. Guess it’s only a day or so till we have to presentate, time will tell if I have over thought this, read to much into there comments.