some pictures of items when I went to the museum of Archaeoloy and Anthropology in Cambridge. Again, like at the Fitzwilliam museum, I was drawn to the small objects. On the top floor there were cabinets with just items, and no information just a label at the top of the cabinets. there was a sign about the items being there for storage or something, I forgot to take a photo of the sign and I can’t remember what it said.

this was one of the labels.

it makes you think what the items were used for and who they were used by…



These are the plates and to be honest, I like them as they are and the would look nice on stands. I did have a little go with printing on to plaster with them but wasn’t happy with the results –

The ink bled on one and too light on the other. I guess that’s the fun of printmaking!

Other ones that I did before Christmas took a while to get right as well, but I did get there in the end.


Wanted to do something quick, so I thought doing a monoprint. this is now led on to some ring etchings that will be posted soon.

I’ve also finished my crystal drawings but I just bought some more (oops!) and not sure if I should carry on and do some more as i’m really happy with how they all turned out and enjoyed drawing them.

New ones from a local Vintage shop:


I’ve been looking at Joseph Cornell’s work before Christmas as I love his boxes and the fact that he collected stuff. I recently bought Wanderlust, it’s a lovely book on his life and beautiful illustrations of his box constructions and assemblages.

I haven’t read much of it yet but it sounds interesting. His assemblage boxes – Each box is different and is like looking at a mini museum, each with a different theme. I looked at Cornell’s work while I was in college and at the time I was making boxes on constellations and was recommended by a tutor to look at his work. looking more into his work I found out about all the stuff he collected and stored into categorized boxes and thought it was a good idea to revisit his work for the work I am making now. His assemblage boxes are a big influence and gets me thinking on different ways of displaying items in boxes, and decorating. Something about Cornell’s work makes me want to touch them and take things out and look closely at the little vials of stuff he used so many ways of displaying objects.