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I created a video of my brother, Taylor talking to the camera about what happened in Zante. I filmed him at our home to make him feel comfortable, and then set the camera up on a tripod and left the room while he talked about it. There were three separate videos of him, but I have now edited them and put them together so it is just one video. I am very pleased with the video and how it came out, it is very emotional for me hearing him talk about it even though I’ve already heard all about it before. It was a very hard thing for him to do, and his emotion really comes across in the video, the reason why there is three separate videos is because he had to stop twice because he got emotional and said he didn’t want to cry on camera. There is a particular bit of the event that he didn’t really go into much detail about, and that is the moment when he was hiding up a tree after being beaten with a pole, and he couldn’t see out of one of his eyes. This was the most traumatic part for him, because he thought that the men were going to find him and hurt him again, he has had reoccurring nightmares about it, and was the reason he couldn’t sleep properly for months. He has talked to me about everything that happened and how he felt, but he finds it’s very difficult to talk on video about it. The most memorable thing that he has ever told me about that night was how got out of the tree and was running towards the main street and he fell down a hill, and he said at that moment he thought to him self I’m not going to make it, I’m going to die.

The aim of this video is that the person watching it feels the emotion, and that there is a sort of understanding of the emotional trauma that he went through.

He talks on the video about how he felt really angry after for a long while, and still does now, this is something that I want to portray in another piece of work, but I am not sure on how to do this yet. I also want to have a piece of work to show how broken and helpless he felt in this whole situation.

What I also still want to do is video me, my mum and my dad talking about our experience of the whole thing because equally we felt helpless in the sense that we were in England and there was nothing we could do.