So I managed to get 24 like on the first post.  Not that many as my daughter got 40 on a shot of a cup of juice, but will try again. So am using the posts to look at the research art games I am making. So today will be the music one. Also starting to get my head around the hastags. If anyone knows any good ones let me know. Anyway with this work being musical in nature, I tried some music tags, which seemed to work well, is it a more activity community that for visual art.  Also I am following the people who like it with my own insta account now.  Also put my hande in to the post so people know it me. I am still dong one post and multiple images, though have to be careful as not everyone will know to go though, and also you end up with one image facing on the page, and my first post it was the least interesting image.  SO if you want to see what the music game is all about, pop over to the insta account https://www.instagram.com/p/BmLD60xBRlg/?taken-by=northeastcvan