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Just a quick entry for now as I need to sleep. It's the night before the Open Studios (or rather the morning of by now).

It's been pretty hectic and I still haven't got where I should/wanted to be. Wasn't helped by the mail department holding onto the delivery of that component I was waiting for for 3 days. I finally went yesterday (Monday) with a tracking number, having found out that it had been delivered and signed for on Thursday afternoon. I was seething, especially since I had actually gone up there on Friday and had asked about it. This put me 3 days back, when I could have been testing things and making progress.

In the event, having got the component we did some tests yesterday using the wi-fi network , which worked to an extent but the image was breaking up appallingly and looked pretty terrible. We realised that this is probably due to the fact that the network for whatever reason runs well below capacity. I have noticed how slow the internet is before and yesterday when we were trying to work with this streaming, there were only 2 bars on the wi-fi network. We decided to have a word with one of the senior staff members to ask him if he could have a word with IT to see if they can do anything about it. Tom asked them this morning and typically,we heard nothing and then found that the person we should speak to had gone home for the day. That means there's nothing doing until tomorrow morning and I have the studio to prepare.

I was really disappointed with this at this late stage and because I was quite tired it really got to me. I decided to go for a run on campus in preparation for tomorrow and to clear my head.