I think there are two main reasons for writing a blog… the first and most obvious is to let people know what we are doing…. but for me , I feel that it is not only cathartic, but it is a way of thinking out loud and therefore problem solving.
As soon as I’d written the blog yesterday, I knew I had to ‘colour coordinate’ the houses. It took me more hours than I care to add up , but as soon as they were neatly stacked again in their own containers, I knew it was worth the effort.
I have an assortment of boxes to use for packaging – anything ranging from shoe boxes to larger ones that were used to deliver laptops or cable TV boxes. Although I’m pleased that I do recycle as much as I can, this has caused the dilemma that some of them can contain more houses than others.
Therefore, I was able to fill ‘yellow’ boxes easily ( as I’d used shoe boxes) but found that I needed perhaps 20 more blue houses to fill that given box. This resulted in another hour or so of searching for ‘blue’ images…. For anyone not working on a repetitive theme, this probably sounds hugely anal – and I agree totally. It becomes a sort of obsessive compulsion… but while I am aware of it, I am OK ( I think)
The outcome was though, that although I had reached my absolute threshold of sanity, this pushed me to make another thirty or so objects. 30 houses = another square metre of floor space covered.
Anyway… I’ve added images to the wordpress blog and hopefully I can sign this project off today!