I keep expecting to get a phone call from the Chapel Gallery, informing me that my installation has been trampled on…. I find that the Easter breaks are generally hell in Art Galleries and some parents seem to think its OK for their kids to damage artwork. I was thinking about this yesterday when I saw the aftermath of a particularly busy day at Tate Liverpool. The slates from Richard Long’s South Bank Circle: http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/long-south-bank-circle-t07159 had been moved…and the ropes from Addendum by Eva Hess: http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/hesse-addendum-t02394 twisted around completely…..

I’ll be starting on work for another installation this week and I really didn’t want to stop and have to make ships again. This is insane having to worry about my work. I wonder if other artists do this – or is it a case of once the work is up and open to the public, you can just move on?