This is the sort of week I’d like to be able to do every week. Having the time to be able to combine the everyday running of a house ( basic tidying, doing the laundry and food shopping) with long walks in the fresh air, meeting up with friends AND producing a fair bit of work. I suppose that’s normal living for a lot of artists and they can take simple pleasures for granted.

With all of the work I’ve managed to create this week though, none of it would bring in money. If it wasn’t for the fact that I am paid to be off, I couldn’t do this.

I did though feel a bit of comfort when reading this : http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/mortarboard/2013/feb/21/10-things-art-teachers-wont-teach-you?CMP=twt_gu ( more so the comments – which some hit the nail right on the head!)


At the beginning of the week I felt like a rusty machine, unable to get the cogs going again. I’d forced myself to draw, but it just wasn’t coming. I think the main problem was, that I wanted to enter a 2D work for an open exhibition coming up, so I was restricting myself too much with what I thought would be ‘safe enough’ to be accepted. I produced a few works that may fill that criteria, but I just wasn’t happy with them. I think it would be best to not submit anything for this and just carry on with the work I want to do.

So…. as well as drawing, I’ve been making shoes this week from an old IKEA paper lampshade. Although I’ve only made the basic shoe shapes, I’m quite pleased that they are sturdy enough to stand up on their own. I need to build up a few more layers and add items to them, but I’m happy that I can go back to work in a few days with a solid project to keep focussed on.