Yesterday, I went to a talk at the Walker Art Gallery, by Enzo Marra –  a John Moores painting prize exhibitor.  I’ve wanted to go to a few of the talks, but haven’t been able to as they all fall on work days. I’m always interested in how an artist approaches talking about their work as I struggle myself.  He was a little nervous and totally unpretentious, which made him feel more human,  so I warmed to him. Confidence always puts me off.

Since deciding to go part time, I’ve been reassessing a lot of things. I wouldn’t say that things weren’t working out, but they could be a better.

I’m taking advice….

I thought about a check list I’d been given after recently becoming a Castlefield Associate. Well, not so much a check list,but notes from a talk given by Castlefield’s Director Kwong Lee about ‘Getting your work across online and in Writing’.

The talk happened before I became an associate, so I was glad to be sent the info. The notes recorded comments made by several curators who were in attendance.

The website was top of the list. Hmm yes, mine hasn’t been updated for a long time…. Its too time consuming to update all of my recent work and I don’t know what to do with it. It is set out in sections though (as recommended) so it isn’t a total fail. I need help.

Statements: Don’t oversell yourself. Well, yes, I pass that one. I’m happy with a couple of lines.

CV’s….. Don’t include everything.  This prompted me to flick through the John Moores  catalogue to check out the artists CVs.  Most had done depressingly loads…. how do they get the time to do all of these?  I was tempted to ask Enzo what he did for a living ( I still refuse to accept artists make a living solely from their work)  But I thought that might be rude.

I was surprised how many of the artists in the catalogue had entered so many art competitions. There was a ‘thing’ a while back about not paying to enter, this must have  been swept aside …maybe as there’s no other way of getting your work out there?

‘Don’t use the word ‘art’ or ‘artist’ in their web address or twitter….it looks naff’

‘When an artist does nothing but post their work on social media its a real turn off for me… it should be a mix of things so that you can sense who they are’

Yes, I agree with that one.

Having said that, I’m going to post an image of the altered ceramics piece I’m showing next week…..  (hope that’s ok )

‘The Birth of Icarus’