I had a bit of a dip in energy levels for a while, but I feel ready to take the bull by the horns again. A conversation with steering committee member Rachel Welford helped – I was feeling weary of having all the responsibility for APT, and no funding to pay me to work on it. A problem shared and all that.
I also had had a great conversation with Susan Jones at a-n, and identified ways they can support APT, building on their role as instigators for debate through the ‘Create or Procreate’ blog cluster last year – watch this space for details.
So – I’m back on the case, sneaking bits of APT work in between all the usual busy-ness…
I’ve written an article for a-n magazine to raise awareness of APT
I’ve decided to rework the ACE funding bid, so no meetings yet, but patience is a virtue or some such nonsense.
The ning site is starting to get lively, and is proving to be a great way to communicate with members: http://artistparents.ning.com