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Today was surprisingly productive. Not only did I manage to get through a substantial amount of construction work (with help and without injury, avoiding circular-shaped saws), but I also chopped my brass to size (it no longer warbles) and ‘self published’ a creative text for my theory module. I will of course have to wait a few weeks before I see the result of my attempt at book-production, but am hoping all words will be spelt correctly, with no errors, and that it will all look professional and as if it were made by a proper publisher. I’ll wait with recommending the website I used until I see the outcome.

With plans to continue building my antechamber on Friday, and to engrave my brass on Monday, everything seems as if it is going full steam ahead. However, it also appears to not be going fast enough. I still have embroideries to sew, I still have a bibliography to tweak, and I still have a proposal to write (and another one, but I have no idea what’s going on about that). And let’s not forget the complicated issue of attaching brass and embroideries to flexi-ply. I still haven’t had a moment to buy card to make a model, and I’m building already!

Apart from all this, and a long day of work tomorrow, there are still other projects I have nagging at the back of my mind. My online bracelet shop is grinding to a halt purely due to the fact I have no time at the moment, and my other book is still rather eagerly waiting to be published (any literary agents out there?) and has been now for what feels like several months.

I was correct about building, however, I do feel accomplished. And so does my boyfriend who very kindly helped me out on the construction line. The photography for the Brookes catalogue all happened today too: very exciting. I think we’re all holding our breath at the moment, desperate to see what the finished product will look like. Fantastic, I’m sure.

Most of tonight has been eaten up by a book-building tool that made my computer revolt, so I’m going to cut this entry short. My next move however? Trying to build a maquette, dusting off Enceladus and then stitching Europa. In this case, the sky has no limit.