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This year will be another shorter residency of just under 3 weeks, so my energies need to be focused, rather than drifting happily wherever the mood takes me.

Over the past year, I have been reflecting on how to proceed with my new piece of work combining oil paintings with videos made during past residencies.

Some experimentation layering the images meant I arrived in Orkney with a mental shopping list of the gaps that needed to be bridged between paintings and videos. However, as always, the reality of being on site has shifted my intentions.

On Day 1, drawing the uncovering of Structure 8, I was fascinated by the billowing tarpaulins and decided to allow both drawing and watercolour to be incorporated into the painting/video combination.

I won’t be able to explore this digitally until back home and able to make good quality scans of the images. But I now feel a sense of direction – even if my feet are as usual not touching the bottom…