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The complete journal of my four weeks in Orkney is now online on www.karenwallis.co.uk.

Please note, this is merely a chronological record of images made during the residency.  The real work now begins – making artwork from the sketches. Another update next Friday


Although I have now completed an online version of my Orkney journal, I am having difficulties in getting it to work online. Another update will follow as soon as the problem is resolved.

In the meantime, here is a drawing done this week while staying in Wales.


The first two days of this week were spent at the Drawing Research Network conference, ‘Tracing The Bridge’, where I hoped to learn about projects that are using drawing as a ‘bridge’ to other disciplines.  Although I did not find any direct parallels to my project, there was much interesting research and I was able to see where my work in Orkney sits within Drawing Research.

Back home I continued to re-scan my drawings but due to other interruptions, this phase is not yet complete.  However, I have put together an online sketchbook of all the first week’s drawings, watercolours and portraits, in chronological order.

This is just a first step in making the residency work available for viewing. I will continue the scanning and put the complete journal online as soon as possible. After that I will be editing all the sound files, in preparation for developing work in the studio.

Don’t forget that the actual dig can be seen on the Ness of Brodgar Dig Diary


This week has been mainly studio housework in preparation for developing the material collected during the residency. In between clearing the decks, I have been re-scanning all my sketches as high resolution images on a flat bed scanner, and regaining the subtly of water colour skies.

Turning this:

Into this:

So far, I have rescanned all the watercolours and all the portraits, and have begun to work my way through nearly 100 sketchbook drawings.  By the end of next week, I will have made an online sketchbook of the all the drawings.

Meanwhile you can still follow my daily drawing journal at Karen Wallis Artworks on Facebook and @KarenArtwork on Twitter