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Visiting a few old haunts on Orkney before the residency starts tomorrow


Packing to leave for Orkney this evening. Ready to start my Artist’s Residency on Monday. Hope I haven’t forgotten anything…


I’m delighted to say that my project, in addition to the Travel Bursary from The Artists Information company, is now also supported using public funding by The National Lottery through Arts Council England.  This means I can afford some really useful bits of kit like this hat and the hire of a small car as a mobile studio. Meanwhile I continue to sell prints at the bargain price of £15 to raise the required match funding. The #Fab16 exhibition continues @societycafe until July 6th and the whole series can be viewed at http://www.karenwallis.co.uk/sale.html



Last Wednesday, I gave the first talk about this project as part of Fringe Arts Bath #FaB16, entitled Drawing towards Orkney. It gave an account of how my recent practice has been building up to the residency on the Ness of Brodgar, and how different forms of research are active within it. My aim is to generate interest among local supporters and artist peers and encourage them to follow this blog when the residency begins on July 18.

Among the audience were two archaeologists – one who has been instrumental in involving me in archaeology and the other who is currently curating art events in FaB16. Discussing my project with them made me realise how I am positioned first and foremost as an artist ‘intervening’ in archaeology. They both offered very helpful links to literature on the Ness excavations – but, as I want to arrive uncluttered by any preconceptions, I am filing the reading for a later date, when I may feel the need for some background research.

All in all the talk went well and I look forward to doing an update after the residency. Meanwhile I need to complete preparations and pack for the journey.