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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

Today, the dig had a day off, because everyone will be working on Sunday for the Open Day. So I spent the day visiting old haunts and thinking about the project. The residency is half way through and I have begun to make lists:  things I need to find out, people to draw and listen to, and stuff to collect to take home.  But there are also questions I have to keep asking myself. What am I finding – what are the results of my archaeology?  How will the material collected convey what I have to say?

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Orkney

There are still wrecks sunk in WW2 beside the Churchill Barriers.

I picked a stem of pretty Cotton Grass, and saw an Oyster Catcher catching oysters. Note: it is difficult to draw using binoculars.