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A deeper sense of involvement on site today. Not that I don’t already feel immersed in the dig. The archaeologists are increasingly showing me what is going on – from sharing a find to explaining the process. Some things are so complex I cannot pretend to understand them but I do appreciate being included. On other occasions, the information feeds directly into my project.

While drawing Bruce, he enlightened me not only on the work in Structure 26 but on the essential destruction involved in archaeology, which is equally constructive in rescuing artefacts. This is a question that has been bothering me.

Mandy, in Trench T, is excavating a pot and explained its unusual composition, which is making it particularly fragile and unlikely to be lifted without disintegrating.

In the ongoing story of Trench Y, they have had to do ‘stepping’ on each side because the depth of the trench requires a limit on the height of any wall, for health and safety reasons.

And once again while spending time on an oil painting, I listened in to an exciting afternoon’s progress in Structure 1.

Don’t forget you can get all the Ness of Brodgar news in their daily Dig Diary and News from the Trenches at www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk