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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

Today I was shown round Structure 10. When you get inside and receive inside knowledge, out of the chaotic sea of stones and mounds of mud there appears a sense of order. Two lines indicate a corridor.

It’s not that I’m becoming absorbed by the archaeology itself but, as I get more deeply involved, I am appreciating the human process of archaeological diagnosis and discovery.

Where Structure 10 shows a distinct corridor amid the complexity, Structure 8, which is huge and sits over two earlier Structures 17 and 18, is to me utterly confusing – although I’m sure the team has a clearer view.

For real clarity it is always worth listening in to Roy’s talk for visitors. After a comprehensive tour of the site, he ends with a compelling argument for donations. Despite being of international importance, the Ness of Brodgar does not receive any funding and has to rely on charitable support to continue the dig. See www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk for details