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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

Today I have been contemplating timing in my relationship with archeology. Sometimes I’m in the right place at the right moment but unprepared. While at other times I am completely prepared but have to wait ages for the right moment.

In Trench X this morning there was great excitement as a beautiful Mace head was found. I was on the spot to draw it being washed – but didn’t have my recorder switched on to catch the sounds of the excitement.

At the other end of the scale I had to wait all day for a large pot to be lifted. I made several drawings of the pot fragments in situ being meticulously excavated – but the surrounds needed to be cleared and the whole area photographed before it could be lifted.

Later this afternoon, after another pause while the pot was drawn in plan, they began delicately transferring the pieces to trays with acid free tissue in them. Then rapid drawing was needed to catch the moment.

In another structure they have recently discovered a deep hole, which is reckoned to be a drain. However, there are a number of necessary processes to be carried out in the surrounding area before it can be investigated further. So I must be patient and keep watch in order not to miss the action.  Watch this space…