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Sharon: Yes I particularly like, and identify in my own work, the bit where you talk about failed utopias. I have also been thinking about and looking at images of the way the built environment is so vulnerable to climate change (storms, hurricanes, to much/too little rain etc) and to war – images of Syria, Kiev etc where building are bombed out.

I am also drawn to buildings etc as they are in a state of construction and as the decay to become ruins. There is a skeletal quality to your work too which I think suggests that fragility/ half made quality too.

Laura: Ah yes, absolutely! I’m really interesting in ‘in-betweenness’ – the in-between states of materials, buildings, structures, objects, and in-between spaces too, like corridors, alleys, door frames, stairwells. Anything that has a sense of fleeting, and temporality. Like I love scaffolding in that sense – that these structures go up and come down constantly, and just wrap around whatever space they’re installed.

I love that you see the skeletal quality of my work too. I’ve been thinking a lot about how reducing down, and stretching out, and woking with lines that are organic/inorganic.