Feel Comfortable With Being An Artist? – When I decided to put my creative foot down on my life and drastically reduce the hours of my day job (to about 2hrs per week!!) I found I had to change my occupation when asked ‘What do you do?' ‘I'm an artist' seems like such an easy answer, it is who I am, what I do, it is everything….. So why do I feel uncomfortable saying it?

I lived in Mauritius for 5yrs. I wasn't allowed to have a job there as didn't have a work visa. Most people lumped me in with the ‘ex-pat / stay at home mum / housewife' category, but as my partner was a native Mauritian I didn't fit in the ex-pat category, I didn't have children and wasn't your typical housewife, there was a genuine interest in me being an artist which was lovely. I used to say ‘I paint' rather than ‘I'm an artist' as I had only just started taking it seriously. I had a considerable amount of time on my hands to work at it, no day job distractions, no cocktails in Manchester at six every evening, no going out burning the candle with friends, no salsa, actually…. not really much else to do, once adjusted, it was great!

So, now I'm back in the UK and have decided I am going to take my new career as an artist seriously… seriously though, what is my problem with saying it? Or is it that people just can't take me seriously? Here's how that conversation usually goes…

Person A: What do you do Liz?

Liz: I am an artist

Person A: What do you do for a living though?

Liz: I am an artist? (Phrasing it as a question slowly in case they didn't get it the 2nd time round)

Short pause (it looks like person A is about to say something annoying to me)

Liz: I paint, make jewellery (I add, to convince them and defend myself)

Person A: Oh, do you manage to make a living at that?

Liz: Erm, well I try!!

Why does this always happen? Is it just me? Do I not have the face of an artist, should I act a little crazy to prove it? I find it annoying that people judge you on your income; does it mean I cannot be something if I don't make bags of money at it? At the moment I am in the volunteering and making the coffee stage of my career, and I love it regardless of the pay.

Not everyone can say they love what they do.

Liz McDonough – Ahem, artist!



CONFIDENCE & CONNECTING – Monday I attended the Air Time 09 and A-N Open Dialogue at Castlefield Gallery. I came back buzzing with information, ideas and a something I've never experienced… being around so many artists.

If you've gone to University or share studio space you will be used to being around other artists, creative's, peers and people to bounce ideas off or to get a critical eye on your work. I dropped out of college when I was 17 so I being around many artists in one space was a novelty for me, and is something which is lacking in my life. Because I haven't had others to guide along my journey so far, sometimes I have felt out on a limb. It has taken a long time to feel as confident as I do today about my work.

Being around other artists can have its drawbacks though. I am not 100% confident when comparing myself to other artists. I accept that I am not at the forefront of contemporary art or pushing the boundaries of art, I am a simple artist compared to many others, though complex within my own world, which is enough.

We all have our creative place and creative space in this world, I am proud of myself for doing what I do, and proud of you too for doing your thing.

Monday confirmed what I was thinking…..

Blog – to get it all out of your head Liz!

Read others blogs – as there are so many interesting, inspiring artists to connect with.

Connect – find artists to connect with, to share ideas with, to exhibit with and to have a cuppa with if anyone is in Cheshire.

Oh my, I may have just opened the flood gates, I have so much more to say, but that will do for now. Blog before 9am I can happily check that off my to-do list, I'm not sure if avoiding facebook will have so much luck!

Liz McDonough
