Since I graduated last summer I haven’t really had an opportunity to reflect on my practice, although it seems that every time I’ve sat down to do something, I’ve ended up looking back, trying to take stock of what happened, and where I am now.

Suffice to say not very successfully, because here I am attempting it again. But this time is different. This blog isn’t called NEXT IS NOW for no reason, it’s not supposed to be about what already happened, but what’s happening now.

There was a recent exhibition, Out Of Office, a group show curated by a friend, in which I showed some of my letterpress work from last year. These works have now featured in five different shows – Dis.Locate, Number 16, Grey Area, Meanwhile II, and Out of Office – that’s some mileage for three pieces of work. Most of those shows included other works too but here’s the big resolution…I think it’s about time I retired the letterpress stuff from exhibitions. Not least because they have become quite battered, what with all the posting and re-posting.

So that’s that decision made – no more shows for the same tired old letterpress work. Which means I now have to make new work. Which brings with it a whole host of new hurdles!

So watch this space – I have a timetable and I’m not afraid to use it.